Hysterical Patient On Admission . . Post-Operative Bands and Adhesions . . Ovarian Cyst
July 30th I discharged the Herniorraphy/Hydrocelectomy patient today. He still walked funny, his scrotal sac still baggy from the over-stretch, off and on, of over twenty years. Like a pregnant woman's abdomen that shrinks to normal size after delivery, so will his big scrotum. The man grinned when I informed him so. I smiled back within me. The Hysterical patient admitted few days back and who "convulsed", has remained sedated ever since and calm when she arouses a bit. I began tailing off her medication today. We shall see how she fairs by tomorrow. July 3oth A patient, let's call her Mrs B, who I admitted about a week ago with a nagging lower abdominal pain, is quite better today. After 3 previous Casarean Sections and an Appendectomy, my working diagnosis as I admitted her was Post-operative Intra-abdominal Adhesions. Occassionally, long after extensive intra-abdominal surgery, the intra-abdominal organs may get loosely attached by cobweb-like fibrous strands or e...