Gratitude Sermon

I'm on a weekend break and the whole family went to Church - which doesn't happen often since my wife and I each run various shifts at our respective jobs. And, that I only recently committed my life to Jesus Christ - thanks once again, Lord. I'll  be resuming duty tomorrow afternoon so I had better make the best use of my off-duty at home on Sunday.

The sermon was about Gratitude. Gratitude in our lives, for every single blessing in our existence. Never once forgetting that these great blessings come from the sole Benefactor - Almighty God.

Never forgetting also, that we are greatly blessed to have been given the greatest Blessing a human can receive - Jesus Christ Himself. Son of God as a Gift to each fallen human. The day a man or woman finally comes to terms with this great Truth, is the day that they become whole. Fully functional. Devoid of all defects hitherto present. We are all too aware of human defect, suffering and sickness.

The gentleman sitting in front of me typed-away on his Blackberry what his ears were picking, as the Pastor sermonised. I noticed the bold heading he had typed-in: "Gratitude Sermon".

I liked the sermon and enjoyed it within my spirit.


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