Newly-Wed With Lobar Pnuemonia

She sat quietly but was obviously in discomfort as I raced down my notes of the admission. Clearly, it was a case of Right Lobar Pneumonia and you could see the effort she made with each painful inhalation.

There was reduced air-entry over the right lung-fields on auscultation. She was running a moderate fever and she coughed loudly in a dry, raspy manner. She was baby-faced, fair-complexioned and newly wedded. She had not missed her period recently and I pointed this out in my admission notes - she would require very effective antibiotics and I wouldn't prescribe any without ruling-out early pregnancy...

The child with the diarrhoeal disease who had had bouts of seizures, became quite well and was eventually discharged home. Her aunt, our Staff nurse, is on night duty with me tonight - one less worry on her busy mind, obviously.


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