I've been neglecting this blog. It's the result of several things combined - I've been busy getting more adept at ways to improve my blog-traffic, and other stuff I'm busy doing. Updates on the job: While I've been "away" we've had to surgically remove the womb (Uterus) of a patient who had intractable bleeding, secondary to Uterine Fibroid - the surgery, a Total Hysterectomy , was a huge success: I mean, here was a woman who had been absolutely miserable all week long due to pain and pallor , as we built her up towards the procedure, who now is so calm and full of smiles 2-days post-operation. I assisted a very experienced Gynaecologist I've known for over a decade and it was endless banter all the way - I was his house-officer back in the day. Anyway, back to trying to be Google's health-blog-number-one. I've been doing this and that. Matter of fact, I have to go back now to continue!